Parking at the Doubletree is free as is additional overflow parking indicated on signs in the lot. Overflow parking is available in the Lifetouch lot all weekend.
It is okay to park at:
- Doubletree Hotel parking lot
- Lifetouch parking lot
You may be TICKETED AND TOWED, or BOTH if you park in any of these areas:
- Within 20 feet from a marked crosswalk or an intersection
- On a sidewalk in your driveway
- Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant
- In front of or within five feet of mailboxes or driveways
- Vehicles cannot be parked on the street for more than 24 consecutive hours
- GM parking lot
- Sheraton Hotel (Formerly Sofitel)
- Dairy Queen and TGI Friday’s lots
- Gas station/Burger King parking lots
- Shopping strip mall with Caribou, Cheetah Pizza, etc…